
I’m usually engaged with literature and language, one way or another. As a PhD student, I study authorship, subjectivity, and critical theory. As a professional outside of academia, I do editing and web-publishing. As an educator, I share my passion for words and self-realization. As a person in this world, I write about it.

These days my time is spent taking and teaching classes at the University of Arizona. I also remain committed to literary community building through my work with the Spittoon Collective, through which I publish the literary magazine Spittoon Monthly, manage content for, and organize new projects such as the Spittoon Meridians reading series.

I lived half my twenties in China, and if not for the pandemic I would continue to be there every summer. I’ll be back there soon, forces willing.

I am open to part-time or short-term work opportunities involving editing, web-publishing, writing, education, and community building. If you would like to reach me, please email david [at] davidhuntington [dot] net. I also do web design and illustrative collages.

Follow me on Twitter: @davhuntington

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